AWS Deployment Guide
It is possible to deploy the Cisco Identity Service Enginer (ISE) on AWS using the official Cisco ISE AMI. The following guide explains how to use the Ansible role created for such task.
The goals of this guide are:
Install the ansible role
Configure the role
Deploy to AWS
It is recommended that you review the following guide before starting this one:
Role information
Within the recently installed Ansible collection, comes an AWS deployment role which can be configured using variables.
The role can be used like this:
- name: ISE Deployment Playbook
hosts: localhost
connection: local
- cisco.ise.aws_deployment
The role accomplishes the following tasks:
Create an AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Create an AWS subnet within the previously created VPC
Create an AWS Security Group (SG) on the VPC .
Create and store in the local filesystem an AWS key pair.
Deploy the selected ISE servers configuration.
The role behavior can be changed using the following variables:
aws_deployment_ise_base_hostname: Servers base hostname. Default: ISE
aws_deployment_ise_username: Servers default username. Default: admin
aws_deployment_ise_password: Servers default password. Default: C1sco12345
aws_deployment_ise_ntp_server: NTP server. Default:
aws_deployment_ise_dns_server: DNS Server. Default:
aws_deployment_ise_domain: Domain name. Default:
aws_deployment_ise_timezone: Timezones based on RFC. Default: Etc/UTC
aws_deployment_aws_ise_ami: Cisco ISE AWS AMI ID, for example, ami-0a8b4f863885c3372
aws_deployment_aws_vpc_name: AWS VPC. Default: ISE VPC
aws_deployment_aws_vpc_cidr: AWS VPC CIDR. Default:
aws_deployment_aws_subnet_cidr: AWS Subnet CIDR. Default:
aws_deployment_aws_region: AWS deployment region. Default: us-west-2
aws_deployment_aws_public_access_cidr: Network from where public access will be available. Default:
aws_deployment_aws_keypair_name: AWS SSH Key Pair name. Default: ISE-Deployment
aws_deployment_aws_instance_type: AWS Instance type for ISE servers. Default: c5.4xlarge
Using variables in Ansible
There are several ways of modifying the default variables. You can check the Ansible documentation for more information.
Command line
From the command line, it can be done with the -e EXTRA_VARS
or --extra-vars EXTRA_VARS
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/aws_deployment.yml -e "aws_ise_ami='ami-0a8b4f863885c3372'"
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/aws_deployment.yml --extra-vars "aws_ise_ami='ami-0a8b4f863885c3372'"
Variables file
It is possible to use a variables file:
- name: ISE Deployment Playbook
hosts: localhost
connection: local
- my_vars.yml
- cisco.ise.aws_deployment
Playbook variables
You can define the variables in the playbook:
- name: ISE Deployment Playbook
hosts: localhost
connection: local
aws_ise_ami: ami-0a8b4f863885c3372
- cisco.ise.aws_deployment
Role usage
There are 4 possible deployment types supported by this role:
Single deployment
Set the aws_deployment_ise_deployment_type
variable to single
. This deployment type creates one ISE server.
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/aws_deployment.yml -e "aws_deployment_ise_deployment_type=single"
Small deployment
Set the aws_deployment_ise_deployment_type
variable to small
. This deployment type creates two ISE servers.
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/aws_deployment.yml -e "aws_deployment_ise_deployment_type=small"
Medium deployment
Set the aws_deployment_ise_deployment_type
variable to medium
. This deployment type creates two servers with the PAN and MNT roles and up to five servers with the PSN role. It takes the extra variable aws_deployment_ise_psn_instances
to specify how many PSN servers should be created . For example, this would be the command for a deployment with two PSN servers:
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/aws_deployment.yml -e "aws_deployment_ise_deployment_type=medium aws_deployment_ise_psn_instances=2"
Large deployment
Set the aws_deployment_ise_deployment_type
variable to large
. This deployment type creates two servers with the PAN role, two servers with the MNT role and up to 50 servers with the PSN role. It takes the extra variable aws_deployment_ise_psn_instances
to specify how many PSN servers should be created . For example, this would be the command for a deployment with two PSN servers:
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbooks/aws_deployment.yml -e "aws_deployment_ise_deployment_type=large aws_deployment_ise_psn_instances=2"